Hey Friends,
Since we launched our new soul work theme last week, I’ve been sitting with the concept of peace in congruence with a quote I recently read from Father Richard Rohr:
“Everything that happens is potentially sacred if we allow it to be. Once we accept that God is in all circumstances, and that God can and will use even bad situations for good, then everything becomes an occasion for good and an occasion for God. Our task is to find the good, the true, and the beautiful in everything—even, and most especially, in the problematic. This is the peace that Jesus gives, a peace that nothing else can give, and that no one can take from us.”
Within this quote I see a path — a path connecting acceptance with wholeness, and I find myself wondering … could the way of peace begin from a sacred place of acceptance?
As you explore the following prompts in today’s midweek intermission, consider inviting God’s presence into every one of your circumstances. Ask for eyes to see The Holy at work, and by way of acceptance, ask for a mind to see Deus Meus et Omnia, “My God and all things,” as a pathway to peace.
—With Joy
Source: Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation, All Life is Sacred, Center for Action and Contemplation
A Pause for Thought
Pause for Prayer
Source: Morning and Evening Prayers by Cornelius Plantinga
Pause for Examination
Source: What am I looking for? by William Barclay, via The Lion Christian Meditation Collection by Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, Saint Andrew Press, 1974.
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